Monday, June 23, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Is this real life? I'm sitting at the airport sipping a black tea lemonade that I waited in line WAY too long for and I think it is finally starting to set in: I'm moving to Swaziland.
The past few weeks have been absolutely crazy. Its been wonderful spending lots of time with my family and friends, beyond stressful trying to pack my life into two 50lb suitcases, and really really reallyyyyy hard to say goodbye to home.
As excited as I am for this new adventure, leaving the people (and puppy) I love at home and missing them the whole time I'm gone is what I anticipate will be the hardest part . Charging my phone by solar power? Easy. Wearing six layers to bed because its 45 degrees at night and my house isn't heated? I can deal. Pooping in a hole? Not exactly glamorous, but millions of people around the world seem to manage. But the heartache that comes with missing loved ones and knowing they are missing you is something that I just don't anticipate ever getting used to.
That being said, I am so incredibly lucky to have such supportive and awesome people in my life. The fact that leaving home is so difficult is only testament to the fact that I've got absolutely fantastic family and friends.
My flight to Philadelphia for Staging is leaving in a few minutes, so the next time you hear from me I'll probably be in Swaziland!

I love you all and I'll miss you like crazy. I already do.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Contact Info

It still hasn't completely sunk in that I'm moving to Swaziland in 17 days! I talk about it a lot, since people are always asking questions, but I don't think it will seem REAL until I'm on that 15 hour flight. The past few weeks have been really busy, spending time with friends and family as much as possible and trying to fit in eating all my favorite foods and just enjoying American life. I have a lot of things to do before departing for staging in Philadelphia on June 23rd, and also have my last three weekends at home planned to be full of adventures.

I thought I should make a post with all the useful information about how to contact me once I leave!

I will have an iPhone 3GS in Swaziland, and the easiest way to get in touch with me will (almost surely) be through Facebook messenger or WhatsApp. Either messaging app is cheaper than texting/calling for me, and pretty much everyone here at home with a computer or smartphone has access to them for free.

I have heard that it is much cheaper for someone from home to call me than for me to call home. Once I get a Swazi phone number and information on the best calling apps/cheapest rates I'll get that info to anyone who is interested.
Sidenote: Swaziland is 9 hours ahead of/later than Pacific time, which is something to keep in mind!

That being said, my Swazi phone won't be functioning for the first month I'm gone. No news is good news in this situation! My mom will receive an email from PC when I arrive safely in country, and then no one may hear from me for four weeks. I've never been out of contact with friends and family for that long, like, ever... but it is purposeful on the part of PC, in that it really encourages trainees to be "present" and focus on their training, acclimating to a new culture,  and building relationships.

Mail! I can receive mail the whole time I'm in Swaziland. During training (June 26-August 28) my mailing address will be:

Talor Hopkins, PCV
U.S. Peace Corps
P.O. Box 2797
Mbabane, H100

Make sure the write "AFRICA" like that, since apparently Swaziland and Switzerland have been mixed up more than once by the postal service!

I've been told that U.S postal service flat-rate international boxes are the cheapest method for shipping care packages. It takes an average of 5 weeks for a package to get to Swaziland, and paying for expedited shipping doesn't really make it any faster. While most volunteers say that their packages arrive in tact, theft or damage is always a possibility. It has been recommended that people write religious symbols or messages (like a cross or "Jesus Saves") on the boxes they send in order to discourage theft. I'll have a better idea of what good care package items would be once I get there, but I know I'll always appreciate a good book and a new nail polish color!

Once I have more information (Late July when I'm back in touch with America) I'll give any more information I have! Now, on to soak up these last two weeks at home with the people I love!